
Welcome to Tax Pros 360 Inc. The following disclaimer outlines the limitations of our services as accountants, bookkeepers, and tax prepare. By using our services, you agree to the terms set forth in this disclaimer.

General Information

Tax Pros 360 Inc provides accounting, bookkeeping, and tax preparation services to individuals and businesses. The information and services we offer are based on current tax laws and regulations, which are subject to change. While we strive to ensure accuracy, we cannot guarantee that all information is up-to-date or free from errors.

No Legal Advice

The services provided by Tax Pros 360 Inc, including any written materials, consultations, and communications, are not intended to be legal advice. Tax laws can be complex, and each situation is unique. For legal advice, please consult a qualified attorney. Our role is to assist with the preparation and filing of tax documents based on the information provided by our clients.

Client Responsibility

Clients are responsible for providing complete and accurate information necessary for the preparation of tax returns and other financial documents. Tax Pros 360 Inc is not liable for any errors or omissions in the information provided by the client. It is the client’s responsibility to review all documents prepared by Tax Pros 360 Inc before submission to ensure their accuracy and completeness.

Limited Liability

Tax Pros 360 Inc will not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use of our services, including but not limited to financial losses, penalties, or interest charges. Our liability is limited to the amount paid for our services. If an error is made due to our oversight, we will correct it at no additional charge.

No Guarantees

While Tax Pros 360 Inc strives to maximize tax refunds and minimize liabilities, we do not guarantee any specific outcome from our services. Tax returns are subject to review and audit by tax authorities, and any adjustments made by these authorities are beyond our control. We will provide support and representation in the event of an audit, but this does not guarantee a favorable outcome.


Tax Pros 360 Inc is committed to protecting the confidentiality of our clients’ information. We employ reasonable security measures to safeguard personal and financial data. However, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of information transmitted electronically, and clients assume the risk of such transmission.

Changes to Disclaimer

Tax Pros 360 Inc reserves the right to modify this disclaimer at any time. Any changes will be posted on our website, and clients are encouraged to review this disclaimer periodically.

Acceptance of Terms

By engaging Tax Pros 360 Inc for accounting, bookkeeping, or tax preparation services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms of this disclaimer.

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this disclaimer or our services, please contact Tax Pros 360 Inc at : This disclaimer is intended to protect both Tax Pros 360 Inc and our clients by clearly outlining the scope and limitations of our services. Thank you for choosing Tax Pros 360 Inc for your accounting and tax preparation needs.

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