IRS Audit: What You Need to Know – TaxPros 360 Inc.

Dealing with the IRS Audit can often feel intimidating, especially when it comes to an IRS audit. At TaxPros 360 Inc., we specialize in providing comprehensive audit services that help individuals and businesses navigate through this process with ease. In this blog, we will dive into what an IRS Audit is, why you might be audited, how the audit process works, and how TaxPros 360 Inc. can assist you in managing your IRS audit.

What is an IRS Audit?

An IRS audit is a review or examination of an individual’s or business’s financial information and tax returns to ensure that all income and deductions are reported accurately, and that the tax return complies with the tax laws. Audits are conducted by the IRS to verify the correctness of your tax filings and to detect any discrepancies or fraudulent activities.

An audit does not necessarily mean you’ve done something wrong. Sometimes, returns are selected randomly, while others are chosen due to red flags or discrepancies in your return. Understanding the audit process and knowing how to respond is key to resolving the issue smoothly.

Why Do IRS Audits Happen?

The IRS conducts audits for several reasons, which include:

1. Random Selection

Sometimes, the IRS Audit selects a tax return for an audit based purely on random sampling. This means there is no specific issue with your return but that it was chosen as part of a statistical check to ensure compliance.

2. High Deductions or Income Discrepancies

If your deductions or income do not align with the averages for someone in your income bracket, the IRS may flag your return for review. Claiming unusually high charitable donations, business expenses, or home office deductions can increase the chances of an audit.

3. Unreported Income

If your income reported by employers or financial institutions does not match what you have declared, it can trigger an audit. The IRS Audit cross-references your tax return with third-party information to ensure accuracy.

4. Self-Employment

Self-employed individuals and small business owners are more likely to be audited, especially if their income and expenses vary greatly year-over-year, or if they frequently claim business losses.

5. Claiming Large Charitable Donations

Claiming large donations that seem out of proportion to your income can also trigger an audit. If you have made significant contributions, ensure that you keep detailed records and receipts.

Types of IRS Audits

There are three primary types of IRS Audit:

1. Correspondence Audit

This is the most common type of IRS Audit, conducted entirely via mail. The IRS will request additional documentation or clarification on specific items from your return. For example, they might ask for receipts, bank statements, or explanations of certain deductions. Correspondence audits are generally simpler to resolve and are completed quickly if the requested documentation is provided.

2. Office Audit

In an office audit, you are asked to visit an IRS office for an in-person review of your financial records. This type of audit is more comprehensive than a correspondence audit and typically focuses on specific issues, such as deductions or income discrepancies.

3. Field Audit

In a field audit, the IRS visits your home or place of business to conduct a thorough examination of your financial records. This is the most extensive type of audit and can be quite invasive. If you face a field audit, having professional representation is essential.

How to Prepare for an IRS Audit

When you receive an IRS Audit notice, it’s important to stay calm and organized. Here’s what you should do:

1. Review the Audit Notice

Carefully read the IRS audit notice to understand which parts of your tax return are being examined. The notice will include instructions on what documents the IRS needs and how to respond.

2. Gather Your Documents

Collect all relevant documents that support the items on your tax return. These could include W-2s, 1099s, receipts, bank statements, invoices, and any other financial records that pertain to the areas under review.

3. Seek Professional Help

If you are unsure how to respond or feel overwhelmed, it’s best to seek professional help. TaxPros 360 Inc. can represent you during the audit, ensure that your rights are protected, and present your case to the IRS in the best possible light.

4. Respond Promptly

Make sure to respond to the IRS Audit notice within the required time frame. Failing to respond can result in penalties or a full adjustment of your return.

How TaxPros 360 Inc. Can Help

An IRS Audit can be stressful and confusing, especially if you’ve never gone through the process before. That’s where TaxPros 360 Inc. comes in. We offer a range of audit services that can help you manage the entire process from start to finish. Here’s how we can assist you:

1. Audit Representation

Our experienced tax professionals will represent you during the audit process, whether it’s a correspondence, office, or field audit. We’ll communicate with the IRS on your behalf, ensuring that your case is presented clearly and accurately.

2. Document Preparation and Review

We will help you gather and organize all necessary documents to support the items on your tax return. Additionally, we will review your return to identify any areas of concern and ensure that everything is in order.

3. Expert Negotiation

In cases where the IRS Audit proposes adjustments to your return, our experts will negotiate on your behalf to minimize any penalties or taxes owed. We will work with the IRS to reach a fair resolution that reduces your financial burden.

4. Tax Compliance Assistance

After the audit, we will help you ensure compliance with future tax filings. Our team will offer advice on best practices to avoid potential issues with the IRS in the future.

5. Peace of Mind

With TaxPros 360 Inc. handling your IRS Audit, you can rest assured that you’re in good hands. Our knowledgeable team will guide you every step of the way, giving you the peace of mind that comes from knowing your case is being handled professionally.


An IRS Audit doesn’t have to be a nightmare. With proper preparation and expert help from TaxPros 360 Inc., you can navigate the process smoothly and resolve any issues quickly. If you’ve received an audit notice, don’t wait – contact TaxPros 360 Inc. today for professional representation and support throughout your IRS audit. Our dedicated team is here to ensure that your audit experience is as stress-free as possible, so you can focus on what matters most

So Don’t be late , Contact Us Now

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